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Shopify SEO services by BD SEO LAB

Shopify SEO Services: 7 Steps to Rank Your Store

Introduction: Why are Shopify SEO services Important? If you are a business person with a Shopify store then you are aware that there are numerous other businesses providing the same products as you. To what extent can one make the store unique and be able to grab the attention of potential customers? The answer is simple: Search engine optimization or commonly known as SEO. Shopify SEO services are a set of optimizations that will help to increase your Shopify store’s ranking in search engines and thereby attract more organic traffic and sales.

While paid advertising will only give you a short-term solution, SEO is a long-term approach. It also assists your store to gain credibility and the right standing in your niche by enhancing some factors that Google and other search engines consider when ranking sites. Here are some of the areas that professional Shopify SEO services include; Keyword research and on-page optimization, technical SEO, link building, and more, to ensure you stand out in the market.

Just like any other eCommerce platform, there are advantages that come with having the right Shopify SEO Services.

Increased Organic Traffic: Get the customers to the top of the search results on Google and direct more traffic to the site without using paid advertising.

Better User Experience: Optimized sites are easy to navigate and this makes the user experience to be smooth and they are likely to spend more time on the site.

Higher Conversion Rates: Thus, targeted SEO helps to attract users with a high level of intent, which also leads to a better conversion rate.

Sustainable Growth: Although ads give immediate traffic, SEO offers a continuous flow of traffic in the future.

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1. The first thing to do is to do thorough keyword research.

The first and certainly the most important step of any SEO campaign is the process of keyword research. To get a high rank on the search engines, one has to know what the customers are likely to search for when looking for similar products. Having a well-thought-out list of keywords will assist you in finding the phrases that people enter into the search engine when they are looking for your products.

This is how Shopify SEO Services approach Keyword Research.

A reliable Shopify SEO services company will utilize applications such as Ahrefs, SEMRush, or Google Keyword Planner to identify the most lucrative keywords that are related to your product. This involves:

Identifying Primary Keywords: These are general, very general keywords, that characterize the type of products that you are selling (for example, men’s running shoes).

Long-Tail Keywords: These are more specific terms with fewer searches but a higher level of consumer interest (for instance; ‘best waterproof men’s running shoes for trail running’.

Competitor Keyword Analysis: Understanding which keywords your competitors are targeting allows you to find out what can be targeted as well as what has been missed.

Keyword Placement

Now that you know which keywords to use you should place them across your Shopify store in relevant areas. This encompasses your home page, the product titles, descriptions, blog posts, and meta tags.

2. Step 2 – On-page optimization of your Shopify store

On-page optimization is the process of optimizing the elements of your store in order to have them ranked higher in search engines. Each and every page, including the homepage and the product pages, should be optimized for search engine and user experience.

Title Tags, and Meta Descriptions

Title tags and meta descriptions are vital on-page SEO since they are the first parts that a user sees when your page appears in result sets.

Title Tags: Your primary keyword should be incorporated in the title tag and the title tag should not exceed 60 characters. High-Quality Footwear.”

Meta Descriptions: Meta descriptions should also be attention-grabbing and should also incorporate secondary keywords. It is advisable to limit meta descriptions to 155-160 characters so that they do not get cut off in the search results.

Optimizing Product Pages

Product pages are the most important part of your Shopify store and you have to optimize them for search engines. Shopify SEO services focus on the following areas for product page optimization, Shopify SEO services focus on the following areas for product page optimization:

Product Titles: All the product titles should be relevant and Ensure that the primary keyword is included in the title.

Product Descriptions: Ensure that you write compelling product descriptions that stand out from the rest with the aim of making your products stand out. Use the keywords in the text, but do it smoothly, not in a way that will make the text look like it was written for the sake of using the keywords.

SEO-Friendly URLs: See to it that your product URLs are short and not complicated and contain the main keywords in it like yourstore.com/mens-running-shoes.

Alt Text for Images: That is why the use of alt text plays a critical role in image optimization. I chose the image and wrote the following description while also using the keyword in the text for better SEO.

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3. Step 3: Enhancing the Technical SEO for Shopify.

On-page SEO is crucial but technical SEO makes sure that your Shopify store is easily discoverable by search engines. The technical SEO changes will help your store rank better and provide a better experience to the visitors.

Page speed and mobile readiness.

It is also important to know that Google considers site speed while ranking websites and users want to access pages that load fast. Slow-loading pages can result to high bounce rates that can negatively affect your SEO. A professional Shopify SEO services provider will focus on:

Image Compression: Decreasing the size of an image but not the quality of the image.

Minimizing HTTP Requests: Minimizing the number of objects that have to be loaded on a page such as scripts, images and CSS files.

Mobile Optimization: So, your store must be optimized for mobile devices and have a responsive design. Shopify themes come with mobile responsive design, however, it is recommended to make some adjustments to ensure the best result.

Organized Information and Schema Mark-up.

Such data enables the search engines to better understand the contents of your site. Using schema markup can also enhance your store’s prominence since rich snippets like product reviews and prices can be displayed in the search results.

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4. Step 4: Pay special attention to the content for Shopify SEO.

This means that whatever content you are make sure that it is of high quality because content is king in SEO. Creating a blog or a guide or any other content on your Shopify store is a great way to get more organic traffic to your store. Not only does content marketing help to attract the target audience but it also tells Google that your website is informative.

Best Ideas for Shopify Store Content

How-to Guides: Produce demo videos or guides that are going to be useful to the consumers of your products. For instance, how to Choose the Best Running Shoes for Marathon Training.

Product Reviews: Provide comprehensive product reviews that will assist the customers to make the right purchase.

Seasonal Content: Make posts regarding different occasions and celebrations that would make people more interested in your product (e.g. The Top 10 Gifts for the Holiday Season).

5. Step 5: Customize User Interface (UI) to Improve SEO.

Google gives preference to websites that have good user experience. Ensuring that your Shopify store is easy to navigate and enjoyable for the users will ensure that they spend more time on your site, visit more pages and make the purchase.

Shopify SEO Services are on the User Experience.

Easy Navigation: Make it easy for the customers to locate what they want. You should have clear menus and internal linking that will lead them to products or pages.

Mobile Experience: Since over 50% of consumers shop online using their mobile devices, it is important to have a mobile Commerce store in Shopify for both the user experience and search engines.

Call-to-Action (CTA): Optimize for conversions: use clear CTAs such as ‘Add to Cart’ or ‘Buy Now’.

6. Step 6: Getting high-quality backlinks to your store

Off-page SEO factors include backlinks, which are the links that lead to your Shopify store from other websites. Backlinks are the links that are directed towards your site from other reliable and credible websites and they show search engines that your site is credible.

How Backlinks are Built by Shopify SEO Services

Guest Blogging: Get yourself published on high-authority blogs in your niche to get good-quality backlinks.

Influencer Outreach: Collaborate with people who have a blog or social media account that can lead back to your store.

Broken Link Building: Look for the damaged links on the relevant websites and suggest the user to replace it with the link of the Shopify store.

7. Step 7: Performing and Maintenance of Regular SEO Audits

SEO is not a one-time process and has to be repeated over and over again and maintained in the long run. Performing SEO audits frequently can therefore help to reveal some of the areas that may require enhancement in your store.

Our Shopify SEO services company offers ongoing support with their services

Monitoring Traffic and Rankings: Other important tools that should be used include Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track traffic and keyword rankings.

Fixing Broken Links: Ensure you undertake frequent link audits in order to identify broken links and 404 errors that are unfavorable to your website’s ranking.

Updating Content: Check the expired blog posts and product descriptions and update them if necessary and make them more SEO friendly.

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8. Things to Not Do when Optimising Shopify Site for Search Engines

Below are some of the most common SEO mistakes that Shopify store owners make and which hinder them from achieving better search engine ranking. Here are a few to avoid:

Ignoring Alt Text: Failing to compress images with alt text is a disadvantage to your SEO because search engines use this text to determine what the image is all about.

Keyword Stuffing: If you overuse keywords in your content you will be penalized by Google. It is more important to post informative and easy-to-read material.

Duplicate Content: Do not apply the same product descriptions to different pages of your site as this would create a lot of problems to the search engines and in turn, degrade your ranking.

Shopify SEO services by BD SEO LAB

9. Conclusion: Why You Need Shopify SEO Services

In the present era of the eCommerce business, the need to hire Shopify SEO services is a must if you wish to overcome your competitors and achieve the desired long-term results. These services start from the basic ones, including keyword research and on-page SEO optimization to the more advanced ones such as technical optimization, and content marketing to ensure your store gets the desired traffic.

These are the 7 steps that will help you get a good ranking for your Shopify store so that you can be among the best. However, due to the fact that SEO is quite technical and dynamic, it is recommended that you engage the services of a Shopify SEO services provider to help manage your store’s optimization.

10. General FAQ About Shopify SEO Services

1. What are Shopify SEO services?

Shopify SEO services entail the process of enhancing the chances of your Shopify store to appear on the first page of search engines. The services covered by the agreement are on-page SEO, technical SEO, keyword research, content optimization, and link building tailored for Shopify. These services play a big role in increasing the organic traffic to your store and thus increase the possibility of getting customers.

2. What can I get from Shopify SEO services for my store?

Shopify SEO services are critical in enhancing the chances of your store to appear on search engines such as Google. If you do not optimize your Shopify store for search engines, then it can rank low in the results and no one will be able to find you easily. Professional SEO services help in optimizing your store to target the right keywords, fast page speed, enhanced user experience and optimized for both desktop and mobile use.

3. How much time does it take to get results from Shopify SEO services?

SEO is a gradual process and it may take 3-6 months to experience the fruits of Shopify SEO services. But the time may take from a week to several months depending on the competition of the niche, the current state of the SEO of your store, and the particular actions that are taken. Defining success by traffic and rankings, it may take some couple of weeks to witness some improvement; nevertheless, optimization is a continuous process for long-term gains.

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4. Can an SEO service for Shopify improve my store’s positioning on Google?

Yes, Shopify SEO services are developed to help enhance your store’s ranking on the search engines which include Google. Through improving some factors like keyword usage, meta tags, content, product pages, and the technical aspects of the site, these services will aid your store to rank better on search results for applicable terms. This means that the site will rank higher and can receive more organic traffic and possibly translate to more sales.

5. How much does Shopify SEO service cost?

This is because the cost of Shopify SEO services depends on the extent of the work to be done, the size of your store, and the competition that exists in your sector. The cost of SEO packages may be from few hundred dollars to thousand dollars per month based on the extent and regularity of the SEO services required. Generally, companies understand that the investment made on Shopify SEO services is quite worthwhile since it produces traffic and conversions.

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